Introduction to Modern Property and Casualty Insurance in Japan
We were presented a special book :
Mr.Takehiko Sugiura(Author), Mr. Toshihiro Misui, Mr. Harutoshi Tagaya, Mr. Nobuki Tamesue, Mr. Robert Boxwell Jr. ,Introduction to Modern Property and Casualty Insurance in Japan (Insurance Education System Institute Japan, 2017).
" It is the first English translation of Japan's Property and Casualty Insurance Theory. The original edition of this book, Modern Property and Casualty Insurance, is used extensibely as the textbook for students at Ritsumeikan University and as the introduction book for new employees of Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. This is a pioneering translation which has been edited for foreign readers. …" from "Recommendation" by Mr.T. Nagano.